cat show news
The TICA 2023-2024 was a good show season for Cathissa Cattery. We showed 3 cats in championship and all 3 are Regional Winners. In addition, Kane was Best Ragdoll in the region and his younger sister, Brienne, was 2nd Best Ragdoll. It was such a thrill to show such beautiful Ragdolls. I'm not good at taking pictures and they deserve to be honored, I will try to add some show pictures of them in the near future.
Arya at CFA show, as a 6 mth old kitten
Arya at CFA show
Arya at CFA show
Arya sleeping in the judging cages...wake up girl!
Arya in grooming space
Kingston TICA Show
Kingston TICA Show
Kingston sleeping under his bed at the show

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CH Brightstone Kingston Wilder Delamer at TICA Show
J-Mak at CFA show
J-Mak at CFA show
J-Mak at CFA show
Mak waiting to be judged

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QGCA Cathissa's Katelyn Stark (aka Piggy) receiving 1st place in the LH Alter class - TICA show in Clearwater
Arya & J-Mak hanging out waiting for the next ring
CH WillowTreeRags Khaleesi of Cathissa at TICA show